Jun 17, 2010

Busy, busy, busy

Hey! I have been very busy today....I just want to lie down and read..........(sigh)

I went to my friends' house at 11:30 am.
12:30~I went with them to have the oldest, Jordan Elizabeth, teach a guitar lesson.
1:30~We went to ensemble. It's where a group of violins and violin players play together and form a cool sound. :)
2:30-3:30~I had my individual violin lessons, then my friend Emma Lou had her individual lessons.
3:45~Then we went back to their house and stayed for about 1 hour and 1/2, then came home, then they stayed here for about an hour, then they left, then we ate supper, then we jumped on the trampoline and now I'm sitting here breathing hard. Finally I'm sitting down.

Ahh.....now to go and organize the container cabinet...................(sigh) :-)

~A very tired Lulu!!!
I'm sure you all have had days like this???!!!


Lily said...

No, never. :)

JUST KIDDING!!! Our days are just as filled. :D You sound quite busy! Aren't summers always?


P.S. I'll pray 4 u concerning witnessing! lol (lots of love)

Gwendolyn said...

Surely, I do. It's amazing how filled up a day can get. I guess you were glad to get to bed last night! :)

Erin said...

Busy???? Only two hours of sleep last night.......

~Miss Zara~ said...

lovr your blog....
here mine
I can't invite you to my private blog