Dec 31, 2010

my goals, hopes, and dreams for 2011

start a girls' music group with my friends {those who can actually sing, that is}

learn more in orchestra

learn more in piano & violin
acquire a cello, take lessons

spend more time with family
be a better friend, sister, and daughter

do well in school work

see Britt Nicole & the Rubyz live in concert! 

move in to my own room {and enjoy my current room}

learn Spanish and be able to translate English songs into Spanish

write a song, translate it into piano & violin, sing with friends

 be a better blogger

learn how to ski 

learn how to snowboard

have a sledding party with my closest friends

be pimple-free

be able to actually fit size 3-4 jeans {I'm little miss skinny mini, I wear size 0-1 right now!}

be better at singing 

purchase Photoshop
purchase a Canon Rebel { my dreams!}

be able to just have a good time and enjoy life

to forget about blogging when I'm not on the computer
to snap at least a photo a day

to send letters, emails, texts, and phone calls of encouragement to friends

to memorize a short book of the Bible

 to be able to read God's word every day and not put it off
to learn how to water ski

to start my own design team

improve my vocals 

learn how to deal with HTML

and many, many, many more things that don't come to mind.

Have a very Happy New Year! Don't stay up too late tonight.

and always remember- 
God is for you. {he cannot be against you!}
God loves you.
God will guide you.
God will not fail you.
God will be with you.
God will provide for you.
God will bless you.
God will give you rest.
God will strengthen you.
God will answer you.
God will uphold you.
~Dayspring Christian Calendars

1 Timothy 4:12


Gwendolyn said...

Wow, you have a lot of aspirations!
That girls singing group sounds like fun!
I sure hope that you meet all your goals.;) I really need to figure out what my goals are for the next year.

Happy New Year!


Lily said...

Those are lots of goals, Lulu! I have very many as well! I hope the Lord blesses you as you seek to fulfill them. I also wish to memorize a small book of the Bible sometime in the new year, like Jude. OK, never mind. Something a little longer. :)
Anyways, I'm really sorry I haven't been commenting for a long time, but I've been away for a week. I'm back now! (yay) And ready to comment again. I'm so happy that you got 51 followers! Yay, good for you! Congratulations!
Anyway. Have a happy new year, girl! Luv ya!!!


P.S. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog button, it is just cute as a button! ( pun intended. :D yeah-that pun was a little lame, I suppose.)

Joy said...

Those are all great resolutions!
One of my goals is also to be a better friend, sister, and daughter. Can we swap prayers? :)